Guide to Java Code Style

Ultimate Guide about my best practices organizing Code Style in Java project. You can jump straight to conclusion with practical recommendations. Prequel Let’s start with simple definition of what Code Style is. A Code Style contains general rules about “how to write” code, e.g. how many spaces to indent, the maximal line length, etc. A lot of minor things. When all members of a team use the same Code Style, the code looks uniform, regardless of which team member wrote it....

December 17, 2021 · 19 min · Anton Kurako

Guide to Java Date & Time Format

Ultimate Guide about my best practices managing Date & Time in Java project. You can jump straight to conclusion with practical recommendations. Prequel Java actually had rough time with time. Okay, jokes aside Java really had troubles with Dates especially with Dates APIs. You can ask many people who have experience with Java 7 or less, not surprising Joda Time even have its own website, great documentation, developers love and almost 5k starts on GitHub....

November 19, 2021 · 5 min · Anton Kurako